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Documents réservés aux membres
et Philosophia Perennis:
Philosophia Perennis: monographies
par Mgr Maurice Dionne
(transcriptions de cours, principalement en français)
par Warren Murray
(enregistrements de cours,
en français)
SÉAT: section de l'Est:
présentations aux colloques
(principalement en français)
SATS: section de l'Ouest:
présentations aux colloques
(en anglais seulement)
The Matter and Order of Wisdom.pdf
01-Intro. Note on the 14 Books.pdf
02-Aristotle's Proemium to Wisdom.pdf
03-Note for Readings Two through Four.pdf
NOTE-One as Subject of Wisdom.pdf
01-Intro. Note to Fifth Book.pdf
02-Note for Word Beginning.pdf
05-Note for Word Necessary.pdf
08-Aquinas on Whole and Part.pdf
01-Intro. Note for Book Six.pdf
03-Note for Readings Two and Three.pdf
01-Proemium Wisdom and Reason.pdf
02-Aristotle Proem to Wisdom.pdf
03-Exhortation and Proemium.pdf
04-Exposition of Exhortation.pdf
05-Shorter Lecture on Exhort.pdf
06-First Definition of Reason.pdf
02-Texts on Beginning Well.pdf
03-The Beginnings of Philosophy.pdf
04-Beginnings in the Will and the Emotions.pdf
05-Distinction of the Roads.pdf
06-First Road in our Knowledge.pdf
07-Second Road in our Knowledge.pdf
08-Order in Acts of Reason.pdf
09-Third Road in our Knowledge.pdf
10-Distinction of Beginnings about Things.pdf
11-Contradiction and Reason.pdf
01-Foreward Wisdom about Error.pdf
02-Division of the Causes of Error.pdf
© SÉAT / SATS 2016